Thursday, March 17, 2011

365 day Photo Challenge - Week 3

Day 15
Day 16:  Okay technically it is very similar to yesterday's photo, but enjoyed yesterday's exercise so much I decided to play around with "moving" the flame a bit.  Had some "blowing" assistance from my daughter Jayde as it was a bit difficult to push down the shutter and blow at the same time.  Anyway hope you enjoy the results!
Day 17:  Beautiful Blue Crane and the local dam.  Sorry I have been told it is actually a Grey Heron.  (not really a birdy person)
Day 18:  Taken at Catelyn's 1st birthday party earlier this morning.
Day 19
Day 20

Day 21:  Sorry today's photo is pretty boring, but it has been a loooooooonnnnnnnnnnnggggg day today.


  1. It's a Grey Heron, but lovely photo!

  2. Thanks Justin I have changed the caption. I am not really a birdy person so I actually have no idea on which bird is which. Just think they are very graceful creatures.
