Monday, February 28, 2011

Scott Kelby Photo Walk in Durbanville

In 2009 over 32,000 people in over 900 locations around the globe participated in the Annual Scott Kelby Photo Photo Walk.  In 2010 the walk took place on the 24th of July.

What exactly is a photo walk?

You take yourself and a camera to a designated meeting place to meet up with other photographers, then venture out into an area and snap away! Walk around taking pictures for a couple of hours, then gather at a restaurant, bar, or other eatery/drinkery, and compare, share, discuss, and have a good time. Then, if you want, submit your favorite photos from the day to the leader of your photo walk to be put in the running for the GRAND PRIZE!

While we were waiting to kick off the walk there was a horrible accident 2 min away from us.  We all rushed through to the scene and some of us took some quick shots.  One of my shots was submitted to one of the local papers and published.

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